Team Tutors will help you make smart decisions for your child’s education. As experienced educators knowledgeable about private and public schools, we can anticipate and guide you through the many difficult choices that you will face. Together, we will find the right formula for your child’s academic success.
- Learning style assessments
- Best school fit & school applications
- Relocation Services
- Communication with teachers and administrators
- Organization and study skills
- Balancing academics and extra-curricular activities
- Time-management techniques
- Customized at-home work spaces
Learning Style Assessments
There are 8 different styles of learning. Understanding and actively encouraging your child’s learning style will open doors to enriching activities and academic success. Nathalie Kunin, owner of Team Tutors and a former teacher at the Center for Early Education, provides learning style assessments to help parents understand how their children process information.
Knowing your child’s learning style will help you:
- Understand how your child processes information so you can interact in a more meaningful way.
- Find effective tools to help your child with challenging concepts.
- Determine best school fit based on learning philosophy.
- End homework battles and make study time more productive.
- Select extra-curricular activities that complement your child.
- Improve communication with your child’s teachers and school administrators.
- Determine best school fit based on learning philosophy.
School Selection & Applications
There are 8 different styles of learning. Understanding and actively encouraging your child’s learning style will open doors to enriching activities and academic success. Nathalie Kunin, owner of Team Tutors and a former teacher at the Center for Early Education, provides learning style assessments to help parents understand how their children process information.
Knowing your child’s learning style will help you:
- Understand how your child processes information so you can interact in a more meaningful way.
- Find effective tools to help your child with challenging concepts.
- Determine best school fit based on learning philosophy.
- End homework battles and make study time more productive.
- Select extra-curricular activities that complement your child.
- Improve communication with your child’s teachers and school administrators.
- Determine best school fit based on learning philosophy.
Organization and Study Skills
Set your student up for success! A lack of organization is the leading reason students struggle in class. Learning these critical skills now will prepare students for the rest of their academic careers and beyond. Being organized reduces anxiety and stress and increases academic success. Some areas addressed are:
- Understanding your learning style
- Getting organized
- Effective communication
- Managing homework
- Stress-busters
- Dealing with distractions
- Setting goals